Being a student is about the perfect time to adopt some smart and efficient studying techniques that will help you a lot throughout the whole course of education. Identifying productive and practical ways of studying is essential and will be crucial for you while studying at university or college. Of course, when it comes to education and studying, there is no one size fits all technique or approach and you should try out different methods and concepts until you find what works best for you. However, do not be afraid to try as you don’t want to spend your time tossing and turning overstudies and without an efficient way to go through your university years and actually reach the goals you have set for you. Studies don’t have to feel like torture or be challenging. At the end of the day, it is your enthusiasm for gaining new knowledge in the field you are interested in and what to succeed at. Adopting the proper studying strategies will help you reach your goals and make studying enjoyable again.

Setting Goals

Setting goals is really important and it can certainly help you change your outlook on life and the studying process overall. You need to set smart goals that will lead you through the path of fulfilling your dreams and creating success in the field you want to develop in.

Good Organisation

Being well-organised is definitely essential and it will ensure you are managing your time properly and not wasting it. Sometimes it feels like you have to do so much in so little time, but with good organisation, you will be able to find the balance between getting all the work done and enjoying the process and still having enough time for your hobbies, social life, and everything else.

Take Breaks

Study sessions can be really overwhelming and stressful. Therefore, it is important always to take breaks in an interval of one hour. Every break should last at least five minutes and be no longer than fifteen minutes. This will give you the opportunity to recharge your energy and mind and go back to the material with a fresh mind instead of feeling overwhelmed, bored and tired.

Study with Others

Studying can be a lonely process if you do not share your time with others and this can be quite challenging for many. Instead, make sure to join a group of people you feel comfortable with, not necessarily people studying the same material as you and study with them. If you are creating a study group yourself, make sure to surround yourself with people who actually motivate you, not distract you from your goals.

Be Positive

Feeling self-pity or too stressed will definitely not help you. Therefore, you always want to think positively and have a positive attitude towards your studies, even if you don’t find something particularly interesting. Your mindset is a powerful tool you can use for reaching your goals or allowing it to waste your potential.

Designated Study Space

If you want to be extra productive and feel motivated for studying, make sure you have a designated study space. This space will set you in the right mood for studying and help you focus. Make sure to not surround yourself with distractions.

Food Is Important

Studying on an empty stomach can be really distracting and all you will focus on will be how hungry you are, not your studies. Therefore, have a healthy meal and not just snacks before your study session. Choose the food you enjoy but will actually keep you full and not craving snacks all the time. Also, do not forget to drink plenty of water.

Test Yourself

Testing yourself before an exam will give you a good idea and prepare you mentally and emotionally for what you will experience in the exam room. This is also a good way to keep track of your progress and what you have already learned and what you need to learn for longer.

Read Everything

It could be very tempting to skip a chapter or two you don’t find particularly important. However, even if not part of the exam, skipping these chapters will prevent you from understanding and getting the whole point. Note down the main points as you are reading through the material.


It is also important to check your course topics at least once a week. This will help you spot all areas you may need help at. In such cases, do not hesitate to be proactive and contact your teacher or professor for more guidance and help.